Although some of the programs created by FDR were seen as unconstitutional, which program is still a major part of American society?(1 point)


Wagner Act
Wagner Act

Social Security Act
Social Security Act

New Deal
New Deal

Works Progress Administration
Works Progress Administration

Social Security Act is still a major part of American society.

The program that is still a major part of American society is the Social Security Act. To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options provided.

Option 1: Wagner Act
The Wagner Act, also known as the National Labor Relations Act, was passed in 1935 as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal legislation. It established the rights of employees to form labor unions, engage in collective bargaining, and take part in strikes. While this act was significant at the time, it is not considered a major part of American society today.

Option 2: Social Security Act
The Social Security Act, also passed in 1935 as part of the New Deal, created a federal system of social insurance. It provided benefits to retirees, the disabled, and the unemployed, as well as benefits for dependent children and their mothers. Social Security is still a major part of American society today, with millions of individuals relying on its benefits for retirement and financial support.

Option 3: New Deal
The New Deal refers to the package of economic programs and reforms implemented by President FDR in response to the Great Depression. While it had several significant programs, such as the aforementioned Wagner Act and Social Security Act, it is not a specific program that is considered a major part of American society today.

Option 4: Works Progress Administration
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was a New Deal program that provided jobs for unemployed individuals on public works projects. While it played a crucial role in stimulating the economy and providing employment during the Great Depression, it is not a program that continues to have a major impact on American society today.

In summary, the Social Security Act is the program that is still a major part of American society.

The program that is still a major part of American society is the Social Security Act.