A food company reduced the amount of salt in one of their food products from 730 to 600 milligrams. What is the percent decrease?

To find the percent decrease, we need to first calculate the difference between the original amount and the new amount:

730 - 600 = 130

This represents the amount of decrease. To find the percent decrease, we divide this amount by the original amount and then multiply by 100:

(130 / 730) x 100 = 17.81%

Therefore, the percent decrease in salt in the food product is approximately 17.81%.

To find the percent decrease, we can use the formula:

Percent decrease = ((Initial value - Final value) / Initial value) * 100

In this case, the initial value is 730 milligrams and the final value is 600 milligrams.

((730 - 600) / 730) * 100 = (130 / 730) * 100 = 0.178 * 100 = 17.8%

Therefore, the percent decrease is 17.8%.