All 500 students at robinson junior high were surveyed to find their favorite sport. How many more students played football than basketball

There is no way to know the answer to this question without additional information about the results of the survey.

To find out how many more students played football than basketball, we need to know the number of students who played both sports and the number of students who played only one of the sports.

Given the information provided, let's assume:
- The number of students who played football is f.
- The number of students who played basketball is b.

Since every student surveyed had to choose a favorite sport, the total number of students should be divided between football and basketball:
f + b = 500

To find the difference between the number of students who played football and basketball, we need to know the specific values of f and b. Additional information is necessary to calculate this difference.

To determine how many more students played football than basketball, we need to know the number of students who played football and the number of students who played basketball. Unfortunately, this information is not provided in your question.

In order to get the answer, you would need to have the number of students who played football and the number of students who played basketball. Once you have those two numbers, you can subtract the number of basketball players from the number of football players to find out how many more students played football.