Based on this graph, which statement is most accurate?

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The number of college- and non-college-educated voters increased between 1972 and 2004.
The percentage of voter turnout remained the same for both groups between 1972 and 2004.
The number of registered voters in both groups declined each year in all elections.
The college-educated voters were more likely to vote than were non-college educated voters.

The college-educated voters were more likely to vote than were non-college educated voters.

Without the graph provided, it is not possible to determine the most accurate statement. Please provide the graph or more information related to the graph so that I can assist you accurately.

To determine which statement is most accurate based on the given graph, we need to analyze the information presented. Here's how you can do it:

1. Analyze the x-axis: Look at the horizontal axis of the graph to understand the timeline it represents. In this case, it spans from 1972 to 2004.

2. Analyze the y-axis: Look at the vertical axis of the graph to understand what it represents. It could be the number of voters, percentages, or any other relevant measure. Make sure you understand the scale and values used.

3. Observe the lines: The graph may have multiple lines indicating different categories or groups. In this case, there are likely two lines representing college-educated and non-college-educated voters.

4. Compare the lines over time: Look at how the lines change or remain the same between 1972 and 2004. Pay attention to any trends or patterns that emerge.

By following these steps, you will be able to determine the most accurate statement based on the given graph.