Write 1–2 sentences in which you explain the use of verbs in the subjunctive mood.

Verbs in the subjunctive mood are used to express doubt, uncertainty, or unreality. They may also be used to express hypothetical situations or desires that are not currently true.

Example of the use of verbs in a subjunctive mood while identifying the subjunctive mood itself?

If I were to win the lottery, I would buy a new house.

In this example, "were" is in the subjunctive mood because it suggests a hypothetical or unreal situation. It is used to express a possible condition that is not currently true.

Verbs in the subjunctive mood are used to express hypothetical or unreal situations, desires, doubts, recommendations, or requests. To form the subjunctive mood, use the base form of the verb for all persons, except for the third person singular, which drops the -s ending.