Write a sentence using a verb in the subjunctive mood and then explain how you recognize the use of the subjunctive mood.

It is recommended that he study for his exam tomorrow.

The use of "study" in this sentence is an example of the subjunctive mood because it expresses a suggestion, recommendation, or hypothetical situation rather than a statement of fact. The subjunctive mood is typically signaled by the use of words like "recommend," "ask," "suggest," "advise," or "wish," followed by a verb in its base form without the addition of "s" or "es" endings.

can you make this easy please

Sure! Here is a simpler example:

I suggest that she be more careful when crossing the street.

The verb "be" is in the subjunctive mood because it follows the word "suggest" and is in its base form without any additional endings. This indicates a suggestion or recommendation rather than a statement of fact.
