Femme tried wakes up at 9:15 .It takes him s5 minutes to fold 4 loads of laundry 35 minute to bathe the dog. 45 minutes to bake brownies and 1 hour to mow the lawn. After he finishes all of his chores, he sits down to rest. What time does Demetri rest.

Femme spends 5 minutes per 4 loads of laundry, so for 1 load of laundry, it takes: 5 / 4 = 1.25 minutes

Multiplying that time by the number of loads he has to fold, we get: 1.25 x 4 = 5 minutes for laundry
Adding up all the time he spends on chores, we get: 5 + 35 + 45 + 60 = 145 minutes
Converting minutes to hours, we get: 145 / 60 = 2.42 hours
So, Femme finishes his chores at: 9:15 + 2.42 = 11:57 am (rounded to the nearest minute)
Therefore, he rests at 12:00 pm (noon).