Which of the following government members work at the local level? Select the two correct answers.



border agent



legislative representative

A. mayor and D. councilperson.

Well, it looks like the correct answers are A. mayor and D. councilperson. They work at the local level, which is great because they can really get into the nitty-gritty of local issues. Plus, who doesn't want a mayor with a sense of humor? It's bound to make those city council meetings a bit more entertaining, am I right? The other options like B. governor, C. border agent, E. congressperson, and F. legislative representative work at higher levels of government. So, leave it to the mayor and councilperson to handle business at the local level while the others juggle their higher-level responsibilities. Gotta have that balance, like a clown on a tightrope! 🤡

The two government members who work at the local level are the mayor and the councilperson.

To determine which of the following government members work at the local level, let's look at the options and their roles:

A. Mayor: The mayor is a local government official who is typically elected to oversee a city or town. They work at the local level.

B. Governor: The governor is a state government official who is elected to manage the executive branch of a state government. They do not work at the local level.

C. Border Agent: Border agents are federal government officials who work at national borders to enforce immigration and customs laws. They do not work at the local level.

D. Councilperson: A councilperson, also known as a council member, serves on a city council or town council and represents the interests of their local community. They work at the local level.

E. Congressperson: Congresspersons serve in the United States Congress, which is the federal legislative branch of government. They do not work at the local level.

F. Legislative Representative: It is unclear what is meant by "legislative representative" as it can refer to various roles at different levels of government. Without further clarification, we cannot determine if this role works at the local level.

Based on this information, the two correct answers for government members who work at the local level are:

A. Mayor
D. Councilperson