Provide the reflected ordered pair for each of the given ordered pairs.

A. Reflect the ordered pair (-4,5) across the y-axis
B. Reflect the ordered pair (0, 3) across the x-axis

A. The reflected ordered pair is (4,5).

B. The reflected ordered pair is (0,-3).

A. To reflect the ordered pair (-4, 5) across the y-axis, we need to change the sign of the x-coordinate while keeping the y-coordinate the same. So the reflected ordered pair is (4, 5).

B. To reflect the ordered pair (0, 3) across the x-axis, we need to change the sign of the y-coordinate while keeping the x-coordinate the same. So the reflected ordered pair is (0, -3).

To reflect an ordered pair across the y-axis, you need to change the sign of the x-coordinate while keeping the y-coordinate the same.

A. Reflecting (-4, 5) across the y-axis:
- Change the sign of the x-coordinate: (-4) becomes 4
- The y-coordinate remains the same: 5
So the reflected ordered pair is (4, 5).

Similarly, to reflect an ordered pair across the x-axis, you need to change the sign of the y-coordinate while keeping the x-coordinate the same.

B. Reflecting (0, 3) across the x-axis:
- The x-coordinate remains the same: 0
- Change the sign of the y-coordinate: (3) becomes -3
So the reflected ordered pair is (0, -3).