The game that Lena wants to buy costs $42.60. Today the game is on sale at 25% off. What is the price that Lena will pay

Lena will pay $31.95 for the game on sale (after subtracting 25% or $10.65 from the original price of $42.60).

To find the price that Lena will pay after applying a 25% discount, we first need to calculate the discount amount.

Discount Amount = 25% * $42.60

To find 25% of $42.60, we can multiply $42.60 by 0.25:

Discount Amount = $42.60 * 0.25

Discount Amount = $10.65

Now, we can subtract the discount amount from the original price to find the discounted price:

Discounted Price = $42.60 - $10.65

Discounted Price = $31.95

Therefore, Lena will pay $31.95 for the game after applying a 25% discount.

To calculate the price that Lena will pay after the discount, we need to subtract the discount amount from the original price.

Step 1: Calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = Original price × Discount rate

The discount rate is given as 25%, which can be converted to a decimal by dividing by 100:
Discount rate = 25 ÷ 100 = 0.25

Now, multiply the original price by the discount rate:
Discount amount = $42.60 × 0.25

Step 2: Calculate the final price Lena will pay:
Final price = Original price - Discount amount

Now subtract the discount amount from the original price:
Final price = $42.60 - (Discount amount)

Calculate the discount amount:
Discount amount = $42.60 × 0.25

Discount amount = $42.60 × 0.25 = $10.65

Finally, substitute the discount amount:
Final price = $42.60 - $10.65 = $31.95

Lena will pay $31.95 after applying the 25% discount to the game.