Which of the following is something that is the same between the Roman Republic and the United States?

1 point
Women are allowed to vote in both
Both had a representative democracy
Both had a constitution laying out their rules
Both had an oligarchy within their government

Both had a constitution laying out their rules.

The correct answer is "Both had a constitution laying out their rules."

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options:

1. "Women are allowed to vote in both" - This statement is incorrect. Women were not allowed to vote in either the Roman Republic or the early United States. In the Roman Republic, only adult male citizens had the right to vote, while in the early United States, voting rights were initially limited to male property owners.

2. "Both had a representative democracy" - This statement is partially correct. Both the Roman Republic and the United States can be considered as having elements of a representative democracy, where citizens elect individuals to represent their interests in government. However, it's important to note that the political systems in each case had their unique features and operated differently.

3. "Both had a constitution laying out their rules" - This statement is correct. Both the Roman Republic and the United States had written constitutions that outlined the fundamental principles and laws of their respective governments. In the case of the Roman Republic, their constitution was unwritten but consisted of various laws, traditions, and precedents. The United States has a written constitution that serves as the supreme law of the land.

4. "Both had an oligarchy within their government" - This statement is incorrect. While it is true that both the Roman Republic and the early United States had elements of aristocracy and elite influence, they cannot be specifically categorized as oligarchies, where power rests with a small group of wealthy individuals.

In conclusion, the correct similarity between the Roman Republic and the United States is that both had a constitution laying out their rules.

The correct answer is: Both had a constitution laying out their rules.

Both the Roman Republic and the United States had a constitution that outlined the basic principles and laws of their respective governments.