A number cube is rolled 360 times, and the results are recorded as follows: 61 ones, 26 two, 36 threes, 76 fours, 73 fives, and 88 sixes. what is the experimental probability of rolling a 2 or a 3?

A. .07
B. .17
C. .26
D. .83

The experimental probability of rolling a 2 or a 3 is the sum of the number of times a 2 or a 3 was rolled divided by the total number of rolls:

(26 + 36) / 360 = 62 / 720

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

31 / 360

Converting to a decimal, we get:


Rounding to two decimal places, we get:


So the answer is not one of the choices given.

From a barrel of colored marbles, you randomly select 6 blue, 4 yellow, 2 red, 3 green, and 5 purple marbles. Find the experimental probability of randomly selecting a marble that is not yellow.

A. two over nine
B. four over five
C. two over three
D. ten over nineteen

The total number of marbles is:

6 blue + 4 yellow + 2 red + 3 green + 5 purple = 20 marbles

The number of marbles that are not yellow is:

20 marbles - 4 yellow marbles = 16 marbles

The experimental probability of randomly selecting a marble that is not yellow is the number of "successful" outcomes (selecting a non-yellow marble) divided by the total number of outcomes (selecting any marble):

16 marbles / 20 marbles = 4/5

So the answer is (B) four over five.

The probability of winning a game is 25%. How many times should you expect to win if you play 36 times?

A. 3 times
B. 7 times
C. 9 times
D. 11 times

The expected number of wins is equal to the probability of winning multiplied by the number of times played.

Expected number of wins = Probability of winning x Number of times played

Expected number of wins = 0.25 × 36

Expected number of wins = 9

So you should expect to win 9 times if you play 36 times.

Therefore, the answer is (C) 9 times.

A survey showed that 62% of car owners prefer two-door cars, 26% prefer four-door cars, and 12% have no preference. You ask 400 people. How many do you think will prefer the two-door cars?

A. 126 people
B. 152 people
C. 196 people
D. 248 people

To answer this question, we need to take 62% of the total number of people surveyed:

0.62 × 400 = 248

So we would expect 248 people to prefer two-door cars.

Therefore, the answer is (D) 248 people.

Tony works in a factory that produces 1,000 computers each day. When 50 computers were sampled, it was found that 7 were defective. Estimate how many defective computers are made each day.

A. 140 computers
B. 7 computers
C. 169 computers
D. 265 computers

We can set up a proportion to solve this problem:

(defective computers in sample) / (total computers in sample) = (defective computers made each day) / (total computers made each day)

Plugging in the values we have:

7 / 50 = x / 1000

Solving for x:

x = (7 / 50) × 1000

x = 140

So we would estimate that 140 defective computers are made each day.

Therefore, the answer is (A) 140 computers.

The spinner is divided into equal parts. Use a tree diagram to find the probability that the spinner will land on a consonant both times if the spinner is spun twice.

A circle is divided equally into three sections.· One of the sections is labeled with an upper E.
· One of the sections is labeled with an upper U.
· One of the sections is labeled with an upper N.
· An arrow originating from the center of the circle is pointing at the section labeled with upper U.
A. one-ninth
B. one-third
C. start fraction 5 over 9 end fraction
D. three-fourths