Good morning (currently 9:19 AM.) I'm supposed to be going to a hotel today so pls help me with these questions quickly.

Which first step should readers take when they encounter an unfamiliar word?(1 point)

Find a synonym for the word in a thesaurus.

Replace the unfamiliar word with a familiar word.

Use context clues near the word.

Look up the word in a dictionary.

I chose C.

Correct! Using context clues near the word is a helpful first step in figuring out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

1. Use context clues near the word.

2. Look for words and phrases surrounding the word that give clues about the word's meaning.
3. drove away
4. It provides a contrast to the unknown word.
5. useful

here they are if u still need them!

Good morning! When encountering an unfamiliar word, the first step readers should take is to use context clues near the word. Context clues are words or phrases in the surrounding text that can provide hints about the meaning of the unfamiliar word. By paying attention to the context, such as the words or sentences that come before or after the unfamiliar word, readers can often deduce the meaning without having to look it up in a dictionary or use a thesaurus.