le diner is the large meal in france



the french love cheese


True. It's called "le dîner" in French. "Le dîner" is the main meal of the day in France and is typically eaten in the evening. Bon appé!


In France, the main meal of the day is typically referred to as "le déjeuner" or "le repas de midi" which is the lunchtime meal. "Le dîner" usually refers to the evening meal or dinner, which may be smaller in portion size compared to lunch. However, it can vary depending on regional and personal customs.

True. "Le dîner" is commonly known as the main meal of the day in France, typically served in the evening. However, it is important to note that the meaning and usage of words can vary across regions and individuals, so it may not be true for everyone. To verify this information, you can consult reliable sources like French cultural books, travel guides, or websites that provide information about French customs and traditions.