Dominic is building a flower Box for her yard. The outline on the Box is shown in the eye Graham which is 1'. If she wants to cover the box with burlap to protect it how much burlap does she need to buy

We need more information to answer the question. We would need to know the dimensions (length, width, and height) of the flower box in order to calculate how much burlap is needed to cover it.

Dominic is building a flower Box for their her yard. The outline of a Box is shown in the diagram. She wants to cover the Box with burlap to protect it. How much burlap does she need to buy is two feet by one foot

To calculate the amount of burlap Dominic needs to buy to cover the flower box, we need to find the area of the box's outline.

Step 1: Determine the dimensions of the flower box.
We are given the perimeter of the box, which is 1 foot (ft).
Since the perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P = 2(length + width), we can divide the perimeter by 2 to find the sum of the length and width.

1 ft ÷ 2 = 0.5 ft

Step 2: Calculate the dimensions of the flower box.
Since the length and width are equal in this case (since it's a square), we can divide the sum by 2 to get the length or width.

0.5 ft ÷ 2 = 0.25 ft

Step 3: Calculate the area of the flower box.
Multiply the length by the width to find the area.

0.25 ft × 0.25 ft = 0.0625 ft²

Step 4: Determine the amount of burlap needed.
Since the burlap is used to cover the entire surface of the flower box, Dominic needs to buy enough to cover the area determined in step 3.

Therefore, she needs to buy 0.0625 ft² of burlap to cover the flower box.

To find out how much burlap Dominic needs to cover the flower box, we need to determine the surface area of the box. The given information indicates that the outline of the box is shown in the shape of an eye, which can be approximated as an oval shape.

To calculate the surface area of an oval:

1. Measure the length (L) and width (W) of the oval shape.
2. Use the formula: Surface Area = π * L * W

However, since we only have the measurement of one side - 1', we can make some assumptions in order to estimate the surface area.

Let's assume the oval shape is symmetrical, meaning the width is the same as the height. In this case, the width and height would both be 1'.

Now let's calculate the surface area using the formula:

Surface Area = π * L * W
Surface Area ≈ 3.14 * 1' * 1'
Surface Area ≈ 3.14 square feet

Therefore, Dominic needs to buy approximately 3.14 square feet of burlap to cover the flower box.