Dominique is building a flower box for her yard. The outline of the box is shown in the diagram. If she was to cover the box with burlap to protect it, how much burlap boes she need to buy? Length 2 feet height 1 foot on a rectangular prism.

Dominique needs to buy 6 square feet of burlap to cover the flower box.

To find the surface area of the rectangular prism (which is the amount of burlap needed), use the formula:

Surface Area = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

where l is length, w is width, and h is height.

In this case, the length is given as 2 feet, the height is given as 1 foot, and the width is not specified. However, we can assume that the flower box has equal width and length (i.e. it is a square base).

So, we can substitute 2 feet for both l and w:

Surface Area = 2(2)(1) + 2(2)(1) + 2(2)(1)

Surface Area = 4 + 4 + 4

Surface Area = 12

Therefore, Dominique needs to buy 12 square feet of burlap to cover the flower box. However, burlap is usually sold by the yard, so she would need to buy 4 yards of burlap (since 1 yard is equal to 3 feet).

To find out how much burlap Dominique needs to buy, we need to calculate the surface area of the rectangular prism.

The surface area of a rectangular prism is calculated by finding the sum of the areas of all six faces.

Length = 2 feet
Height = 1 foot

Let's calculate the surface area step-by-step:

1. Calculate the area of the front face:
The front face is a rectangle with dimensions 2 feet (length) and 1 foot (height).
Area of the front face = Length * Height = 2 ft * 1 ft = 2 square feet.

2. Calculate the area of the back face:
The back face is also a rectangle with the same dimensions as the front face.
Area of the back face = Length * Height = 2 ft * 1 ft = 2 square feet.

3. Calculate the area of the left face:
The left face is a rectangle with dimensions 1 foot (height) and 1 foot (depth, which is not given in the question).
Since the depth is not provided, we cannot calculate the exact area of the left face.

4. Calculate the area of the right face:
The right face is also a rectangle with the same dimensions as the left face.
Since the depth is not provided, we cannot calculate the exact area of the right face.

5. Calculate the area of the top face:
The top face is a rectangle with dimensions 2 feet (length) and 1 foot (depth).
Area of the top face = Length * Depth = 2 ft * 1 ft = 2 square feet.

6. Calculate the area of the bottom face:
The bottom face is also a rectangle with the same dimensions as the top face.
Area of the bottom face = Length * Depth = 2 ft * 1 ft = 2 square feet.

7. Add up all the areas calculated above to find the total surface area:
Total surface area = Front face + Back face + Left face + Right face + Top face + Bottom face
= 2 sq ft + 2 sq ft + unknown + unknown + 2 sq ft + 2 sq ft
= 6 sq ft + unknown + unknown

Since the dimensions of the left and right faces are not provided, we cannot calculate their areas. Therefore, we cannot determine the exact amount of burlap Dominique needs to buy.

To determine how much burlap Dominique needs to buy, we need to calculate the surface area of the box that needs to be covered.

The surface area of a rectangular prism is calculated by adding up the areas of all six faces.

In this case, the flower box has a length of 2 feet, a height of 1 foot, and the width is not given. Since the width is not provided, we will assume it is also 2 feet for simplicity.

The six faces of the box are as follows:
1. Two faces with dimensions 2 feet (length) by 1 foot (height) = (2 feet x 1 foot) x 2 = 4 square feet.
2. Two faces with dimensions 2 feet (width) by 1 foot (height) = (2 feet x 1 foot) x 2 = 4 square feet.
3. Two faces with dimensions 2 feet (length) by 2 feet (width) = (2 feet x 2 feet) x 2 = 8 square feet.

To find the total surface area, we add up the areas of all six faces: 4 + 4 + 8 = 16 square feet.

Therefore, Dominique needs to buy 16 square feet of burlap to cover the flower box.