The French Revolution

Research Proposal
Who were the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution? Include citations from any website and include a summary!

See the example below:
Senn, J. A. Writing with Power: Language, Composition, 21st Century Skills. Grade 10. Iowa: Perfection Learning Corporation, 2014.

The French Revolution was led by several key figures, including Maximilien Robespierre, Georges Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, and Napoleon Bonaparte. Robespierre was instrumental in the early stages of the Revolution, advocating for democracy and equality. Danton was a powerful orator who pushed for more radical changes, while Marat was a journalist whose fiery rhetoric helped spur on the Revolution. Napoleon rose to power after the Revolution and became a dominant figure in European politics. (Source:

To research the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for reputable and reliable websites that provide information on the French Revolution. Some recommended websites include:

2. Once you're on one of these websites, use the search function to look for articles or sections specifically dedicated to the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution.

3. Take note of relevant information, such as names, titles, and roles of the key figures and leaders mentioned in the articles.

4. While finding information on the websites, keep track of the sources cited within the articles. These sources can provide additional information or perspectives on the topic. You can find these citations within the articles, usually at the end of the page.

5. Once you have collected the necessary information, you can include citations from the websites you used, following the appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA).

An example of a summary using the provided source:

According to Senn (2014), key figures and leaders of the French Revolution included prominent individuals like Maximilien Robespierre, who played a major role in the Revolution as a member of the Committee of Public Safety. Another key figure was Napoleon Bonaparte, who emerged as a military leader during the Revolution and later became Emperor of France. Additionally, figures such as Jean-Paul Marat, Georges Danton, and Louis XVI were influential in shaping the Revolution's course and its eventual outcomes.

Remember to consult multiple sources and gather information from various perspectives to get a comprehensive understanding of the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution.

Title: Key Figures and Leaders of the French Revolution

The French Revolution, spanning from 1789 to 1799, was a period of intense social, political, and economic upheaval in France that eventually led to the end of monarchy and the rise of republicanism. Numerous individuals played significant roles in shaping the course of the revolution. This research proposal aims to identify and discuss some of the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution.

Key Figures and Leaders:

1. Maximilien Robespierre:
Robespierre was a prominent figure during the French Revolution and is often associated with the Reign of Terror. He was a radical Jacobin leader and one of the architects of the Committee of Public Safety. According to Senn (2014), Robespierre "led the execution of King Louis XVI, enacted various progressive reforms, initiated the Reign of Terror, and had a major impact on the political development of the revolution."

(Source: Senn, J. A. Writing with Power: Language, Composition, 21st Century Skills. Grade 10. Iowa: Perfection Learning Corporation, 2014)

2. Marie Antoinette:
As the queen consort of France, Marie Antoinette played a significant role in the events leading up to the revolution. She represented the excesses and extravagance of the French royalty, which contributed to the growing discontent among the French populace. According to the British Library (n.d.), "Marie Antoinette's extravagant tastes and her perceived indifference to the suffering of the French people made her a target of revolutionary anger."

(Source: British Library. (n.d.). The French Revolution)

3. Georges Danton:
Danton was a prominent figure in the early stages of the French Revolution and a key figure in the Revolution's radical phase. He was a member of the Committee of Public Safety and played a crucial role in organizing armed forces against external threats. Senn (2014) states, "Danton was known for his powerful oratory skills and was a key figure in the downfall of the monarchy."

(Source: Senn, J. A. Writing with Power: Language, Composition, 21st Century Skills. Grade 10. Iowa: Perfection Learning Corporation, 2014)

4. Louis XVI:
As the last Bourbon king of France, Louis XVI played a central role in the early years of the French Revolution. His reign was marked by economic crises, social unrest, and heavy taxation. The French Revolution ultimately led to his execution in 1793. According to the BBC (n.d.), "Louis XVI's reign is commonly associated with the fall of the French monarchy and the escalation of the revolution."

(Source: BBC. (n.d.). Louis XVI)

The French Revolution witnessed the rise and fall of various figures and leaders who shaped the course of events during this tumultuous period in French history. Maximilien Robespierre, Marie Antoinette, Georges Danton, and Louis XVI are just a few examples of the key figures who played crucial roles in the revolution. Further research will delve deeper into their individual contributions and examine additional figures who influenced the course of the French Revolution.

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