The French Revolution

Research Proposal
Who were the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution? Use APA citation

Title: The Key Figures and Leaders of the French Revolution


The French Revolution, which began in 1789 and lasted until 1799, represented a radical shift in the social, political, and cultural fabric of France. One of the reasons the French Revolution holds such significance is due to the prominent leaders and key figures who emerged during the period. This research paper will explore the historical context and impact of these individuals on the development of the Revolution.

Research Question

Who were the leading figures and key actors involved in the French Revolution, and what were their roles and contributions to the Revolution's development?


The study will attempt to identify and understand the roles and influences of the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution, including their political beliefs, actions, and how they shaped the trajectory of the Revolution.

Research Methodology

The research will be based on the use of historical sources such as primary documents, secondary literature, and relevant biographies in order to provide an in-depth analysis of the key actors and their contributions to the Revolution. Furthermore, a historiographical approach will be used to show the diverse perspectives on the significance of each individual.

Preliminary Literature Review

The following sources will be used to build the context and analyze the key figures of the French Revolution:

1. Carlyle, T. (1837). The French Revolution: A History. New York: The Modern Library.

2. Doyle, W. (1989). The Oxford History of the French Revolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. McPhee, P. (2016). Liberty or Death: The French Revolution. Yale University Press.

4. Schama, S. (1989). Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution. New York: Vintage.

5. Tackett, T. (2015). The Coming of the Terror in the French Revolution. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press.

Key Figures and Leaders to be Discussed

The research will focus on the following individuals:

1. King Louis XVI: His weak leadership and inability to address the economic issues contributed to the initial unrest that led to the Revolution.

2. Maximilien Robespierre: As a leading Jacobin, he played a crucial role in shaping the Revolution's policies and was eventually responsible for the Reign of Terror.

3. Georges Danton: A prominent orator and advocate of the Revolution, he played a key role in its early stages but was later executed by Robespierre.

4. Jean-Paul Marat: A radical journalist and politician, Marat helped foster the Revolution by promoting extreme ideas to the masses.

5. Charlotte Corday: Although not a significant leader, her assassination of Marat symbolized the discontent felt by moderates towards the radical elements of the Revolution.

6. Napoleon Bonaparte: He would eventually seize power in France in 1799, ending the Revolution and ushering in a new era of French history.


The research proposal aims to explore the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution, allowing for a deeper understanding of their motivations, ideologies, and impact on the Revolution's development. This analysis will contribute to our comprehension of the complexities and nuances of this critical period in history.

To find information on the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution, you would need to conduct research using reliable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites. Here is an outline of the steps you can take to find this information using APA citation:

1. Start by searching for books on the French Revolution in your library's catalog or in online databases such as JSTOR or Google Scholar. Keywords to use in your search could include "French Revolution," "key figures," "leaders," or the specific names of individuals you are interested in.

2. Look for books written by reputable historians or scholars specializing in the French Revolution. These sources are usually more reliable and provide in-depth analysis. The author's name, title, publication year, and publisher will be needed for the APA citation.

3. In addition to books, scholarly articles can provide valuable insights into the subject. Search for relevant articles in academic journals by using keywords related to your research topic. JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, and Google Scholar are good places to start. The APA citation for an article will typically include the author's name, article title, journal title, volume and issue number, page numbers, and publication year.

4. Be selective in choosing websites as sources, as some may not be credible. Websites of reputable universities, government institutions, or well-established historical organizations are generally considered more reliable. Make sure to check the author or organization's credentials and look for evidence of a rigorous review process. For web sources, you should provide the author's name (if available), the title of the article or website, the URL, and the date you accessed the information.

Here is an example of how to format an APA citation for a book:

AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (PublicationYear). Title of Book. Publisher.

And here is an example citation for a journal article:

AuthorLastName, AuthorInitials. (PublicationYear). Title of Article. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), PageNumbers.

Remember to double-check your APA citation formatting using a reliable APA style guide or citation generator tool to ensure accuracy.

Title: The French Revolution: Key Figures and Leaders

Research Proposal

The French Revolution, which took place from 1789 to 1799, was a period of profound social and political change in France. Understanding the individuals who played crucial roles in shaping and leading the revolution is essential to comprehending its causes, developments, and outcomes. This research proposal aims to investigate the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution, providing insight into their roles, influences, and contributions.

Research Objectives:
1. To identify and analyze the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution.
2. To explore the backgrounds and motivations that shaped their involvement in the revolution.
3. To assess the political ideologies and ideas they championed.
4. To investigate their contributions and influence on the course and outcome of the revolution.
5. To understand their impact on subsequent events and the shaping of modern France.

Research Methodology:
This research will employ a combination of primary source analysis, secondary source review, and historical interpretation. Primary sources will include written materials such as speeches, letters, and memoirs from the period. Secondary sources will comprise scholarly books, articles, and analyses to provide a comprehensive understanding of the individuals in question. The research will adhere to the APA citation style for all sources used.

Key Figures and Leaders:
1. Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794) - a leading figure of the Jacobins, Robespierre played a pivotal role in the Reign of Terror and the establishment of the Republic. His radical ideas and influential speeches greatly shaped the direction of the Revolution.

2. Louis XVI (1754-1793) - the last king of France before the Revolution, Louis XVI faced criticism for his perceived incompetence and lavish spending. His resistance to significant social and political reforms contributed to the growing discontent and sparked the revolution.

3. Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) - the Queen of France and wife of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette symbolized the decadence and extravagance of the monarchy. Her actions and reputation made her a target for the revolutionary forces.

4. Georges Danton (1759-1794) - an influential member of the Committee of Public Safety and a key figure during the radical phase of the revolution. Danton played a crucial role in the early stages of the Revolution and later fell victim to the Reign of Terror.

5. Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793) - a journalist and political radical, Marat was known for his inflammatory writings, especially in his newspaper "L'Ami du peuple" ("The Friend of the People"). He became a symbol of the more extreme elements of the Revolution.

This research proposal aims to shed light on the key figures and leaders of the French Revolution, providing a thorough analysis of their roles, motivations, ideologies, contributions, and impact. By understanding these influential individuals, a deeper understanding of the French Revolution and its enduring effects on France and the world can be obtained.

(Provide a list of the sources you use in APA citation style)