Trade with Roman Egypt, Arabia and India primarily influenced which African kingdom?





Of the following choices, which ones are characteristics of West African society? Select the two correct answers.

Arabic was the main language used when trading with other societies.

Christianity was the only religion practiced in villages.

Slaves had no rights and were only given specific farming tasks.

Skilled workers were a higher level in the caste system than traders.

Religious rituals encouraged the honoring of ancestors.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the following sentence.

Through____people passed down spoken stories and songs.

A. Specialization
B. Oral Tradition.
D. stelae

How did the Mali Empire come to an end?

Rulers lost control of Gao.

They were conquered by Axum.

Ghana took over their territory.

Sundiata was captured by Mansa Musa.

Which of the following was a key accomplishment of the people of Songhai?

They had a strong military and became the largest empire in West Africa.

They established a center of Islamic scholarship.

They worked with iron and prospered from the gold-salt trade.

They dominated in the trade of ivory, enslaved people, and animal skins.

Because of what he learned during his pilgrimage to Mecca, Mansa Musa was able to build a center of Islamic scholarship.

The traders of Ghana brought back with them slaves from the Mediterranean who taught the Ghana rulers about Christianity.

Clans were made up of lineages that were descendants of multiple ancestors from different regions of Africa.

Swahili became a language made up of words spoken by traders along the coast of the Indian Ocean.

Answer Key:

1. D. Axum
2. E. Religious rituals encouraged the honoring of ancestors.
3. B. Oral Tradition.
4. A. Rulers lost control of Gao.
5. B. They established a center of Islamic scholarship.
6. A. Because of what he learned during his pilgrimage to Mecca, Mansa Musa was able to build a center of Islamic scholarship.

where's the rest if the test answers?

The answer to the first question is D. Axum.

The correct answers to the second question are C. Slaves had no rights and were only given specific farming tasks, and E. Religious rituals encouraged the honoring of ancestors.

The answer to the third question is B. Oral Tradition.

The answer to the fourth question is A. Rulers lost control of Gao.

The answer to the fifth question is A. They had a strong military and became the largest empire in West Africa.

The correct answer to the last question is A. Because of what he learned during his pilgrimage to Mecca, Mansa Musa was able to build a center of Islamic scholarship.

The answer to the first question is D. Axum. The primary influences from trade with Roman Egypt, Arabia, and India impacted the African kingdom of Axum.

To determine the answer, you would need to understand the historical context and the influence of trade on different African kingdoms. Researching the trade routes and connections between these regions would help in identifying the kingdom most affected.

The answer to the second question is E. Religious rituals encouraged the honoring of ancestors, and B. Skilled workers were a higher level in the caste system than traders. These are two characteristics of West African society.

To determine the answer, you would need to have knowledge about the characteristics of West African society. Researching cultural and social aspects of West African communities would provide the necessary information to select the correct answers.

The answer to the third question is B. Oral Tradition. Through oral tradition, people passed down spoken stories and songs.

To determine the answer, you would need to understand the definition and significance of oral tradition. Researching the cultural practices and history of storytelling in different societies would help in identifying the correct answer.

The answer to the fourth question is A. Rulers lost control of Gao. The Mali Empire came to an end when the rulers lost control of the city of Gao.

To determine the answer, you would need to have knowledge about the decline and downfall of the Mali Empire. Researching the historical events that led to the end of the empire would provide the necessary information to select the correct answer.

The answer to the fifth question is B. They established a center of Islamic scholarship. One of the key accomplishments of the people of Songhai was the establishment of a center of Islamic scholarship.

To determine the answer, you would need to have knowledge about the achievements and contributions of the Songhai Empire. Researching the cultural, intellectual, and educational advancements during the Songhai Empire would help in identifying the correct answer.

Lastly, the question does not have a complete sentence or dropdown menu, so it cannot be answered. Please provide a complete sentence or dropdown options to continue.