Following the Supreme Court ruling on Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 and the federal government's order to desegregate schools, Georgia established the Sibley Commission. The purpose of the commission was to

devise a plan for peaceful integration of public universities.
establish a plan to reduce racial violence associated with segregation.
determine if Georgia's citizens opposed or supported integration.
investigate Georgia's segregation practices in public schools.

c (determine if Georgia's citizens opposed or supported integration.)

The purpose of the Sibley Commission in Georgia was to determine if Georgia's citizens opposed or supported integration (option c).

The purpose of the Sibley Commission, established in Georgia following the Supreme Court ruling on Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 and the federal government's order to desegregate schools, was to determine if Georgia's citizens opposed or supported integration (answer choice c). The commission was tasked with gathering public opinion on the issue of school integration and reporting its findings to the state government.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the details provided in the question and eliminate answer choices that do not align with those details. The question specifically mentions the Supreme Court ruling on Brown v. Board of Education and the federal government's order to desegregate schools. This indicates that the purpose of the Sibley Commission would likely be related to the issue of school integration and the implementation of federal mandates. By considering the options provided, you can eliminate answer choices a (devise a plan for peaceful integration of public universities) and d (investigate Georgia's segregation practices in public schools) as they do not directly align with the purpose of the Sibley Commission mentioned in the question. Similarly, answer choice b (establish a plan to reduce racial violence associated with segregation) goes beyond the explicit purpose of determining public opinion. This leaves answer choice c as the most appropriate option.