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How can you tell if a text is written in the third person point of view?

You can tell if a text is written in the third person point of view if the narrator refers to the characters as "he," "she," or "they" and is not a character in the story.

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To determine if a text is written in the third person point of view, you should look for pronouns and perspective indicators. In the third person point of view, the narrator refers to the characters as "he," "she," "it," or "they" rather than "I" or "we" (first person) or "you" (second person).

Here are some indicators to help you identify third person point of view:

1. Pronouns: Look for pronouns like "he," "she," "it," or "they" referring to the characters in the text.

Example: "He went to the store and bought a book."

2. Perspective indicators: Pay attention to how the narrator describes the characters and events using neutral language.

Example: "John walked down the street. Mary watched him from the window."

3. Limited or omniscient perspective: Determine if the narrator provides insight into the thoughts and feelings of only one character (limited) or multiple characters (omniscient).

Example (limited): "Sarah was scared as she entered the haunted house."

Example (omniscient): "James and Emma were excited as they boarded the roller coaster."

By observing these elements, you can determine if a text is written in the third person point of view.