The meaning of phone numbers is 30 if three of the numbers are 12, 50,and 48 what is the fourth number?


Mean and outliers quick Chek

the question is poorly worded, but if the "mean of four numbers" is 30 (not the meaning of phone numbers!!), then the 4th one is x, where

12+50+48+x = 4*30
Now just solve for x

The fourth number cannot be determined from the given information.

The term "outliers" refers to data points that are significantly different from the other data points in a data set. To check for outliers, we typically look at the distribution of the data and identify any data points that are far away from the other data points. The "mean" refers to the average of a set of data points. It is calculated by adding up all the data points and dividing by the total number of data points. The mean can help us identify whether there are any outliers in the data. If the mean is significantly different from most of the data points, it might indicate the presence of outliers.