Five years ago, Tim's mom was three times Tim's age today. Now their combined age is 45. How old is Tim's mom today?

Ohhh my !!! What a mess made by the bot for such a simple question.

Its answer is wrong, a simple check will show that.

Tim's present age -- x
Mom's age 5 years ago --- 3x
Mom's age now = 3x+5

x + 3x+5 = 45
4x = 40
x = 10

so Tim's present age is 10 years
His mom's age is 3x+5 = 35 years

Probably late late fiftys

Let's say Tim's current age is x.

Five years ago, his mom was three times Tim's age at that time, which means:

Mom's age 5 years ago = 3(x-5)

Today, Tim's age is x, and his mom's age is y.

So, the sum of their ages is 45:

x + y = 45

We can use this equation to solve for one of the variables. Let's rearrange it to solve for y:

y = 45 - x

Now we can substitute this into the first equation we had:

Mom's age 5 years ago = 3(x-5)

This is also equivalent to:

Mom's current age - 5 = 3x - 15

Mom's current age = 3x - 10

We can substitute this into the equation we just found for y:

3x - 10 + x = 45

4x - 10 = 45

4x = 55

x = 13.75

So, Tim is currently 13.75 years old.

To find his mom's age, we can use either of the equations we found earlier:

Mom's age 5 years ago = 3(x-5)

Mom's age 5 years ago = 3(13.75 - 5) = 26.25

So, his mom was 26.25 years old 5 years ago, which means she is currently 26.25 + 5 = 31.25 years old today.