how did Brown v. Board of Education impact georgia.

Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark case in the United States that ruled segregation in public schools unconstitutional. The ruling effectively overturned the "separate but equal" doctrine established in the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case. The impact of this ruling was significant in Georgia and other southern states that had maintained segregated schools.

In Georgia, the ruling led to significant resistance from white officials and citizens who were opposed to the integration of schools. Many school districts ignored the ruling or adopted token integration measures, and others engaged in legal battles to delay or block integration efforts.

It wasn't until several years after the Brown v. Board of Education decision that Georgia began to take steps to integrate schools. The state began with a handful of small-scale integration efforts, and in 1961, the Atlanta Board of Education approved a desegregation plan, which was implemented in 1962.

Overall, while Brown v. Board of Education did not immediately lead to widespread integration of schools in Georgia, it set the stage for future efforts and paved the way for the Civil Rights Movement to gain momentum in the state and across the country.