Select the correct answer.

Which point of view does the author use to narrate this story?

You’ve never had a problem walking home during the usual hours. However, the whole scene seems to transform into a graveyard now that it’s after midnight. The dark streets resemble the empty passages of a ruin. Instead traffic and people, there’s only silence. You measure your steps carefully, too afraid to look into one of the dark alleys. You try to brush off the growing feeling that someone’s eyes are watching you. You hear rapid footsteps approaching, and you quicken your pace. Then, you catch a glimpse of your apartment building, and relief floods you. You break into a sprint and rush through the main door. Your brother was right. You really do need to buy a car.

first-person point of view
second-person point of view
third-person limited point of view
third-person omniscient point of view

C. third-person limited point of view

To determine the point of view in which the story is narrated, we need to consider the perspective from which the events are being described.

First-person point of view (option A) would involve the use of pronouns like "I" or "we," where the narrator is directly involved in the story. In this passage, the narrator uses pronouns like "you" and "your," so it is not a first-person point of view.

Second-person point of view (option B) is when the narrator directly addresses the reader as "you." This is the case in this passage, as the narrator uses "you" to describe the actions and experiences of the protagonist. So, the correct answer is B.

Third-person limited point of view (option C) involves a narrator who is not a character in the story but knows the thoughts and feelings of only one character. This passage does not provide any access to the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist, so it is not a third-person limited point of view.

Third-person omniscient point of view (option D) involves a narrator who is not a character in the story but has access to the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters. This passage does not provide insight into the thoughts and feelings of any character other than the protagonist, so it is not a third-person omniscient point of view.

Based on these considerations, the correct answer is B.

C. third-person limited point of view