A student holds two positively charged balloons near each other. She claims that magnetic forces exist between the balloons. What will happen that will support the student's claim?

The balloons will remain steady.
The balloons will repel each other.
The balloons will become neutral.
The balloons will attract each other.

The correct answer is d) The balloons will attract each other.

Explanation: The scenario described involves two positively charged objects. According to Coulomb's law, like charges repel each other and opposite charges attract each other. Therefore, in this case, since both balloons are positively charged, they should repel each other. However, the student claims that there are magnetic forces involved. It is possible that the balloons have been rubbed and have become charged through static electricity, which can create a temporary magnetic dipole between the balloons, causing them to attract each other. So, the correct answer is d) The balloons will attract each other.

To determine what will happen between the positively charged balloons, we can use Coulomb's law. Coulomb's law states that like charges repel each other, while opposite charges attract each other.

In this case, we have two positively charged balloons. Since they have the same charge, they should repel each other. Therefore, the correct answer is b) The balloons will repel each other.

So, to support the student's claim, if the balloons move away from each other or show any repulsive behavior, it would confirm the existence of magnetic forces between the balloons.

d. The balloons will attract each other.