Create a detailed image of a young Caucasian woman, referred to as Janice, in a casual dress, standing in a vibrant park with a bright blue sky overhead. In each of her hands, she is holding a brightly colored balloon, perhaps in shades of pink and red. The balloons are subtly pushing away from each other, indicating a negative charge. The image should have a clear focus on the balloons interacting with each other.

Janice Holds two negatively charged balloons near each other what will happen with the balloons

If Janice holds two negatively charged balloons near each other, they will repel each other. This is because objects that carry the same type of charge (negative in this case) will exert a force of repulsion on each other due to the principle of like charges repel. The balloons will push away from each other and continue to repel as long as they are negatively charged.