Multiple Choice

Simplify each polynomial.

6g + 8k – 9g + 2k
A. 3g + 10k
B. –3g + 10k
C. 17gk
D. 10k – 3

Combine like terms to simplify the polynomial:

6g + 8k – 9g + 2k = (6g - 9g) + (8k + 2k) = -3g + 10k

Therefore, the answer is B. -3g + 10k

To simplify the given polynomial, we need to combine like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers.

In the given polynomial, we have 6g, - 9g, 8k, and 2k. We can combine the terms with the same variables by adding or subtracting their coefficients.

Adding the coefficients of g terms:
(6g) + (-9g) = 6g - 9g = -3g

Adding the coefficients of k terms:
(8k) + (2k) = 8k + 2k = 10k

Putting the simplified terms together, we have:
-3g + 10k

Therefore, the correct answer is B. -3g + 10k.

To simplify the given polynomial, we can combine like terms.

We have:
6g + 8k - 9g + 2k

Combining the terms with 'g', we get:
(6g - 9g) + 8k + 2k

Simplifying further, we have:
-3g + 10k

Therefore, the simplified polynomial is given by option B:

-3g + 10k