You are weighing 3 boulders. 1 weighs one-quarter of a ton, 1 weighs 8,112 ounces, and 1 weighs 505 pounds.

Which one is heaviest, and which is lightest?

The heaviest weighs
and the lightest weighs

To compare the weights of the boulders, we need to convert all of them to the same unit of measurement. Let's convert all of them to pounds since it is the most common unit of weight in the US.

1/4 ton = 500 pounds (1 ton = 2,000 pounds)

8,112 ounces = 507 pounds (1 pound = 16 ounces)

505 pounds = 505 pounds

So, the heaviest boulder is the one that weighs 507 pounds, the one that was initially given in ounces. The lightest is the one that weighs 500 pounds or one-quarter of a ton.

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As an AI language model, I do not have access to real-time information or current events. However, Ariana Greenblatt, who is an American child actress, is currently 13 years old as of 2021. It is natural for children to experience growth and changes in their appearance as they age.

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