By which process does the heat from the Sun reach Earth?


The correct answer is d) radiation. The heat from the Sun reaches Earth through the process of radiation, which involves the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves.

The correct answer is d) radiation.

To understand how heat from the Sun reaches Earth, we need to understand the process of radiation. Radiation is the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves, such as light and infrared radiation, without the need for a medium (like air or water) for it to travel through.

In the case of the Sun, it emits a huge amount of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light and infrared radiation, which we perceive as heat. This radiation travels through the vacuum of space and reaches Earth.

Once this radiation reaches our planet, some of it is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, land, and bodies of water. This absorption of radiation is what ultimately warms the Earth's surface.

So, the process by which the heat from the Sun reaches Earth is through the radiation of electromagnetic waves.

The heat from the Sun reaches Earth primarily by the process of radiation.