Demetria has been downloading songs from the internet for 8 minutes. If each song takes Start Fraction 2 over 5 End Fraction of a minute to download, how many songs has she downloaded?

A. 14
B. 16
C. 18
D. 20

To find the number of songs Demetria has downloaded, we need to divide the total time spent downloading by the time it takes to download one song.

Total time spent downloading = 8 minutes

Time it takes to download one song = Start Fraction 2 over 5 End Fraction minutes

Number of songs downloaded = Total time spent downloading ÷ Time it takes to download one song

Number of songs downloaded = 8 ÷ Start Fraction 2 over 5 End Fraction

Number of songs downloaded = 8 × 5/2

Number of songs downloaded = 20

Therefore, Demetria has downloaded 20 songs. The answer is (D) 20.