Tom paid $77.10 for a T-shirt, a football and a pair of shorts. The T-shirt cost $14.10 less than the football. The football cost $27.90 more than the pair of shorts. Find the cost of the T-shirt.

Let x be the cost of the pair of shorts.

Then the cost of the football is x + 27.90.
And the cost of the T-shirt is (x + 27.90) - 14.10 = x + 13.80.

The total cost is the sum of the costs of the T-shirt, the football, and the shorts:
(x + 13.80) + (x + 27.90) + x = 77.10

Simplifying the equation:
3x + 41.70 = 77.10
3x = 35.40
x = 11.80

Therefore, the cost of the T-shirt is x + 13.80 = 25.6 dollars.