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What are the obstacles to overcoming poverty in many South Asia nations? What must countries do to overcome poverty?

The obstacles to overcoming poverty in many South Asian nations include income inequality, lack of access to education and healthcare, and limited job opportunities. To overcome poverty, countries must work towards equitable distribution of resources, invest in education and healthcare, and create more job opportunities, particularly in industries with high growth potential.

The obstacles to overcoming poverty in many South Asian nations include limited access to quality education, lack of employment opportunities, inadequate infrastructure, and social inequality. Countries must prioritize investments in education and skill development, create job opportunities through economic growth and industrialization, build robust infrastructure, and ensure equal opportunities for all citizens to overcome poverty.

Obstacles to overcoming poverty in many South Asian nations include a lack of access to quality education, inadequate healthcare systems, and a high population of informal and low-skilled workers. To overcome poverty, countries must invest in education and skills development, prioritize healthcare infrastructure and services, and promote inclusive economic growth that provides opportunities for all segments of society. Additionally, addressing social inequalities and promoting gender equality are crucial for long-term poverty eradication.