Which conservation problem was addressed by the Clean Water Act?(1 point)


actions by farmers
actions by farmers

smokestack emissions
smokestack emissions

lack of paper recycling
lack of paper recycling

pollution from cars
pollution from cars

pollution from cars.

Man this dumb bot is ruining this place, you never see full answers anymore, and the bot is never correct, anyways:

1. actions by farmers
2. reducing waste or harm to resources
3. they are more fuel-efficient
4. It is better than using the bottle only once, but they should recycle the bottle.

These where all correct for me, good luck

The conservation problem addressed by the Clean Water Act was pollution from cars.

The conservation problem that was addressed by the Clean Water Act is pollution from cars.

To arrive at this answer, you can familiarize yourself with the Clean Water Act and its objectives. The Clean Water Act is a federal law enacted in 1972 to regulate the discharge of pollutants into the waters of the United States and to maintain and improve water quality. It primarily focuses on controlling point source pollution, which comes from specific sources such as factories and sewage treatment plants.

Among the list of options provided, the only option that directly relates to water pollution is "pollution from cars." Cars can contribute to water pollution through the discharge of various pollutants such as oil, gasoline, and brake fluid that can make their way into water bodies through stormwater runoff.

Therefore, based on the information given and understanding the purpose and scope of the Clean Water Act, pollution from cars is the conservation problem addressed by this act.