12. Which other devastating event killed millions in 1918 besides combat?

A. the influenza pandemic
B. the San Francisco earthquake
C. trench suicides
D. starvation in Britain

13. How did disease impact the human death toll during this time period?
A. Improvements in medical technology decreased illness overall.
B. Disease was a small but significant contributor to deaths at this time.
C. Disease steadily increased as the war hospitals were attacked.
D. Disease killed more people than combat during this time.

14. In what way(s) did women participate in total war? Select all that apply.
A. taught English to German prisoners
B. were conscripted into military service
C. rationed food and other products
D. took over jobs in factories
E. manufactured weapons and supplies
F. took leadership roles in the government

12. A. the influenza pandemic killed millions in 1918 besides combat.

13. D. Disease killed more people than combat during this time.

14. C, D, E. Women participated in total war by rationing food and other products, taking over jobs in factories, and manufacturing weapons and supplies. They were not conscripted into military service and did not take leadership roles in the government, but some did teach English to German prisoners.