Jasmyn visits a butterfly habitat at the zoo on a beautiful, sunny day. She sees butterflies sucking nectar from flowers. Other butterflies are eating oranges left by zoo workers. Which item found in the butterfly habitat is a basic material?(1 point)






The basic material found in the butterfly habitat is the plant, as it provides the nectar for the butterflies to feed on.

The basic material found in the butterfly habitat is plants.

To determine which item found in the butterfly habitat is a basic material, we need to understand what a basic material is. A basic material refers to something that is essential or fundamental for the survival or existence of something else.

In this scenario, the butterfly habitat consists of several elements, including plants, beauty (which is subjective and cannot be considered a basic material), oranges, and sunlight.

Now, let's analyze each option:

1. Plants: Plants play a crucial role in the butterfly habitat as they provide nectar for the butterflies to suck and obtain nutrients from. They are a source of food for the butterflies, making them an essential and basic material in the butterfly habitat.

2. Beauty: Beauty, as mentioned earlier, is subjective and cannot be considered a basic material. It does not directly contribute to the survival or existence of the butterflies.

3. Oranges: While the oranges may be present in the butterfly habitat and are being consumed by the butterflies, they are not a basic material. Oranges are not a natural component of the butterfly habitat and are most likely provided by the zoo workers as a supplementary food source.

4. Sunlight: Sunlight is an essential basic material in the butterfly habitat. It provides the necessary energy for the plants to photosynthesize and produce nectar. Sunlight also plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall ecosystem of the habitat.

Based on this analysis, both plants and sunlight are considered basic materials in the butterfly habitat.