Which sentence contains an example of verbal irony?

• "Make sure you take your umbrella!" Mom warned.
• "Whenever I see you, it's a sunny day!" Joannie laughed.
• "Great day for the beach," Dad said, looking out the window at the sunny sky.
• "Can't wait to work on my tan," Joe said, heading out into the rain.

"Can't wait to work on my tan," Joe said, heading out into the rain.

Definitely the last one! "Can't wait to work on my tan," Joe said, heading out into the rain. Because we all know rain is just great for getting a nice even tan!

The sentence that contains an example of verbal irony is: "Can't wait to work on my tan," Joe said, heading out into the rain.

To identify verbal irony in a sentence, we need to look for a statement that expresses the opposite of its literal meaning. Verbal irony often involves sarcasm or saying one thing but meaning another. Let's examine each sentence to determine if it contains an example of verbal irony:

- "Make sure you take your umbrella!" Mom warned.

In this sentence, the mother is warning her child to take an umbrella. Since she is warning them about the possibility of rain, there is no verbal irony here.

- "Whenever I see you, it's a sunny day!" Joannie laughed.

Here, Joannie says that whenever she sees the person, it's a sunny day. However, since she is laughing while saying it, it indicates that she doesn't actually mean it's always sunny when she sees them. This sentence contains an example of verbal irony.

- "Great day for the beach," Dad said, looking out the window at the sunny sky.

In this sentence, the father is saying it's a great day for the beach while looking at the sunny sky. Since his statement aligns with the situation, there is no verbal irony present.

- "Can't wait to work on my tan," Joe said, heading out into the rain.

Here, Joe enthusiastically expresses his excitement to work on his tan while heading out into the rain. Since his statement contradicts the weather conditions, there is verbal irony in this sentence.

Therefore, the sentence that contains an example of verbal irony is: "Whenever I see you, it's a sunny day!" Joannie laughed.