In a wetland area at the edge of a pond, Josie sees a snail nibbling on a lily pad. A deer drinks water on the opposite side of the pond. Josie notices a duck in a nest in the reeds. The duck must feel safe, as it does not move when Josie walks by. Which item in the wetland habitat is a nonmaterial resource?(1 point)




lily pads


Safety is the nonmaterial resource in this scenario.

The nonmaterial resource in this wetland habitat is safety.

To find the nonmaterial resource in the wetland habitat, we need to understand the difference between material and nonmaterial resources. Material resources are physical objects that can be seen or touched, while nonmaterial resources are more abstract and cannot be physically handled.

In this scenario, the items mentioned include the nest, lily pads, water, and safety. The nest would be considered a material resource because it is a physical object made by the duck. Lily pads are also material resources as they are physical plants in the wetland habitat. Water is also a material resource as it is a physical substance present in the pond.

The nonmaterial resource in this case is safety. Safety is an abstract concept that cannot be physically touched or seen. It is more of a feeling or state of being, rather than a physical object.

Therefore, the nonmaterial resource in the wetland habitat described is safety.