In a wetland area at the edge of a pond, Josie sees a snail nibbling on a lily pad. A deer drinks water on the opposite side of the pond. Josie notices a duck in a nest in the reeds. The duck must feel safe, as it does not move when Josie walks by. Which item in the wetland habitat is a nonmaterial resource?(1 point)




lily pads


Safety is the nonmaterial resource in the wetland habitat. The safety of the duck is not a physical object, but rather a feeling or state of being that is necessary for survival.

To determine which item in the wetland habitat is a nonmaterial resource, we need to understand the concept of material and nonmaterial resources.

Material resources are physical objects or substances that can be seen or touched, such as plants, water, and lily pads. Nonmaterial resources, on the other hand, are intangible and cannot be physically perceived. They include things like safety, comfort, and emotional well-being.

Considering this definition, the nonmaterial resource in the wetland habitat described is safety. Safety is not a physical object but rather a feeling or state of being that is intangible. In the given scenario, the duck feels safe in its nest, even when Josie walks by. Therefore, the answer to the question is safety.

The nonmaterial resource in the wetland habitat is safety.