which of the following terms refers to the legal protection provided against copying, distributing, performing, or changing both published and unpublished works?

The term that refers to the legal protection against copying, distributing, performing, or changing both published and unpublished works is "copyright."

The term that refers to the legal protection provided against copying, distributing, performing, or changing both published and unpublished works is "copyright." Copyright grants exclusive rights to the creator of an original work, such as a book, song, movie, or artwork. It gives the creator the sole authority to reproduce, distribute, display, or modify their work. To determine the correct answer among the given choices, you would need to familiarize yourself with the concept of intellectual property rights, specifically copyright protection. You can consult reliable sources, such as legal textbooks, reputable websites, or consult an intellectual property lawyer to better understand copyright laws and its scope.

The term that refers to the legal protection provided against copying, distributing, performing, or changing both published and unpublished works is called "copyright."