Maria wants to cover the box shown below with paper.Which of the following could be the dimensions of the paper so that Maria has enough to cover the box, including the ends, with a little left over?

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To determine the dimensions of the paper needed to cover the box, including the ends, we first need to examine the dimensions of the box itself. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based assistant, I am unable to see or visualize the image you are referring to. Therefore, I will provide you with a general guideline on how to approach this type of question.

1. Determine the dimensions of the box: If you have a visual representation of the box, note down its length, width, and height. These dimensions will be required to calculate the size of the paper needed to cover it.

2. Calculate the surface area of the box: To cover the box, including the ends, we need to find the total surface area. This can be done by calculating the areas of each side of the box and adding them together. The formula for finding the surface area of a rectangular box is:

Surface Area = 2*(Length * Width) + 2*(Length * Height) + 2*(Width * Height)

3. Add a little extra: To ensure enough paper is available to cover the box with a little left over, it's usually a good idea to add a margin or extra length to each side of the box. This will account for any folds or overlaps required to secure the paper in place.

4. Determine the dimensions of the paper: Once you have the total surface area of the box and the extra margin, you can calculate the dimensions of the paper needed. Note that the paper dimensions should be larger than the box's dimensions to cover it adequately.

5. Compare given options: Now that you have calculated the dimensions of the paper needed, compare them to the given options. Choose the option where the paper's dimensions are equal to or larger than the dimensions calculated in step 4.

Remember, without the specific dimensions of the box mentioned in the question, I am unable to provide you with the exact dimensions of the paper. If you can provide the dimensions or any additional information, I will be happy to help you further.