True or false

pollution in Yangtze River is making the fish unit to eat.
plss help mee

True. Pollution in Yangtze River has led to a decline in the quality of water and the fish population. Many fish have become contaminated and unsafe for human consumption.

To determine whether the statement "pollution in the Yangtze River is making the fish unfit to eat" is true or false, you would need to gather information and evaluate the evidence. Here are the steps you can follow to find an answer:

1. Research pollution in the Yangtze River: Look for reliable sources such as scientific studies, governmental reports, or news articles that discuss the pollution levels in the Yangtze River. Pay attention to factors like industrial waste, agricultural runoff, or other sources of pollution.

2. Examine the impact of pollution on fish: Investigate studies or reports that assess the effects of pollution on fish populations in the Yangtze River. Look for information on how pollution affects fish health, their ability to reproduce, and their safety for consumption.

3. Consider fish consumption advisories: Check whether there are any official fish consumption advisories or warnings related to the Yangtze River due to pollution. These advisories are typically issued by government agencies responsible for public health and safety.

4. Evaluate the evidence: Based on the information you have gathered, determine whether pollution in the Yangtze River is indeed making the fish unfit to eat. Consider the severity of the pollution, its impact on fish populations, and any regulatory measures in place to protect public health.

It is important to note that as an AI, I don't have real-time data or access to specific scientific studies. Therefore, I recommend conducting your own research or reaching out to relevant experts or organizations for up-to-date and accurate information regarding the pollution in the Yangtze River and its impact on fish.


The pollution in the Yangtze River is not directly making the fish unable to eat. The pollution may have adverse effects on the water quality and the ecosystem, which can indirectly impact the fish population. However, it does not prevent the fish from eating.