hello!! how are you all? <3 im not fine cuz i got another math question.. </3

You are offered three different jobs. You will work for 8 hours per day. Which job pays you the mostโ€‹ money? Explain your steps to justify your answer.
Job A will offer you โ€‹$25 for the first hour of work and then โ€‹$20 for each additional hour.
Job B will offer you y=23x where x is the number of hours worked.
Job C will pay you according to the graph below (idk how i can show the graph but x = # of hours and y = the money)
plz explain as well because i want to write in my notes :)

LOL the opening of ur question so sweet and fine sounding and then u get hit with it thats so funny lemme see if i can figure it out lmbo

gtg be back to help just hang in there

For each one, let the number of hours worked be x

Pay1 = 25 + 20(x-1) , the 25 is the first hour, but we have to subtract 1 from x
since that first hour is already taken care of

Pay2 = 23x

when are they equal? , when
23x = 25 + 20(x-1)
23x = 25 + 20x - 20
3x = 5
x = 5/3

Assuming he is paid by partial hours, the pay would be equal
at 5/3 hours and after that Pay2 would be better

e.g. suppose he worked for 5 hours
Pay1 = 25 + 20(4) = 105
Pay2 = 23(5) = 115

@young smart broke well.. its the way my life goes ig๐Ÿ’€โœ‹

@tammy so does that mean job B pays the most money??

Geeessh, I called it Pay2 instead of jobB, wow

๐Ÿ˜ฉim to late um i can still explain how to get the answer im sry๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

oops forgot my name

Hello! I'm here to help you with your math question. Let's analyze each job and find out which one pays the most.

Job A offers $25 for the first hour of work and then $20 for each additional hour. To determine how much you will earn in total for 8 hours of work, we need to calculate the individual earnings for each hour. Job A's earnings can be calculated as follows:

Hour 1: $25
Hours 2-8: ($20 * 7) = $140

Total earnings for Job A: $25 + $140 = $165

Now let's move on to Job B. Job B offers you y = 23x, where x is the number of hours worked. In this case, we need to substitute x with 8 to find the total earnings for 8 hours of work. Let's calculate it:

y = 23x
y = 23 * 8
y = 184

Total earnings for Job B: $184

Lastly, we have Job C. Unfortunately, you didn't provide the graph representing Job C's payment structure. Thus, we cannot calculate the exact earnings without more information. However, you can use the given graph to determine the payment corresponding to 8 hours of work. Locate the point on the graph where x = 8 and read the corresponding y-value (money earned).

Once you have the information from the graph, you can compare the total earnings from each job and choose the one that pays the most.

To summarize:

- Job A pays $165 for 8 hours of work.
- Job B pays $184 for 8 hours of work.
- Job C cannot be determined without more information from the graph.

Based on this information, Job B pays the most out of the three options.