The number cube shown is rolled and the spinner shown is spun. Find P(5 and blue).A six sided number cube and a square spinner divided into four congruent squares are shown. Two of those smaller squares in the spinner are yellow, one is blue, and one is green. The spinner arrow is pointing to the green square.

A. The fraction is four-sixths.
B. Start Fraction 1 over 24 End Fraction
C. Start Fraction 1 over 16 End Fraction
D. one-ninth
3 / 5

The probability of rolling a 5 on the number cube is 1/6, and the probability of the spinner landing on blue is 1/4 since there is one blue square out of four total squares.

To find the probability of both events happening (rolling a 5 and landing on blue), we multiply their probabilities:

P(5 and blue) = P(rolling a 5) x P(landing on blue)
P(5 and blue) = 1/6 x 1/4
P(5 and blue) = 1/24

Therefore, the answer is B. Start Fraction 1 over 24 End Fraction.