Which car has the highest efficiency? (Assume all cars have the same mass.)(1 point)


a car that traveled 20 kilometers on 1 liter of gas

a car that traveled 20 kilometers on 2 liters of gas

a car that traveled 25 kilometers on 2 liters of gas

a car that traveled 25 kilometers on 1 liter of gas

The car that traveled 25 kilometers on 1 liter of gas has the highest efficiency.

To determine which car has the highest efficiency, you need to calculate the distance traveled per unit of fuel consumed for each car. This can be done by dividing the distance traveled by the amount of fuel consumed.

Let's calculate the efficiency for each car:

Car 1: 20 kilometers / 1 liter = 20 kilometers/liter
Car 2: 20 kilometers / 2 liters = 10 kilometers/liter
Car 3: 25 kilometers / 2 liters = 12.5 kilometers/liter
Car 4: 25 kilometers / 1 liter = 25 kilometers/liter

From the calculations, we can see that Car 4 has the highest efficiency, as it traveled 25 kilometers on just 1 liter of gas.

To determine the car with the highest efficiency, we need to calculate the distance traveled per liter of gas for each option:

1. Car A: 20 kilometers / 1 liter = 20 km/l
2. Car B: 20 kilometers / 2 liters = 10 km/l
3. Car C: 25 kilometers / 2 liters = 12.5 km/l
4. Car D: 25 kilometers / 1 liter = 25 km/l

Based on these calculations, Car D, which traveled 25 kilometers on 1 liter of gas, has the highest efficiency with a rate of 25 km per liter of gas.