A water tank is 5/8 full. It needs 270 litres to fill it. The tank will hold litres when full.

Let's assume that the total capacity of the water tank is "x" litres.

According to the question,

The tank is already 5/8 full. So, the amount of water present in the tank = 5/8 x

To fill the tank to its capacity, 270 litres is needed.

Therefore, the total capacity of the tank can be found by adding the amount of water present and the amount of water needed to fill it completely.

5/8x + 270 = x

Multiplying both sides by 8, we get:

5x + 2160 = 8x

Subtracting 5x from both sides, we get:

2160 = 3x

Dividing both sides by 3, we get:

x = 720

Therefore, the total capacity of the tank is 720 litres.