and 3 to 5 sentences identify the two different points of view of the characters in the store, not the narrators point of view first second or third person, and describe the suspense, created by the difference in point of view write a paragraph identifying, and explaining the theme present in this passage, and how it relates to any universal themes end of Green Gables

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The two different points of view of the characters in the store are evident through their thoughts and actions. On one hand, the store owner, Mr. Harrison, seems to hold a cynical and skeptical attitude towards life, as seen through his constant complaints and negative remarks. On the other hand, the character of Anne Shirley, the protagonist, represents an imaginative and optimistic point of view with her dreamy thoughts and vivid imagination. The difference in their perspectives creates suspense as the reader is curious to see how these contrasting viewpoints will clash or complement each other throughout the story.

The theme present in this passage from "Anne of Green Gables" is the power of perspective and how it impacts our experiences and interactions with others. Anne's positive and imaginative outlook on life contrasts with Mr. Harrison's pessimistic attitude. This theme relates to universal themes such as the impact of our attitudes on our interactions, the influence of perception on our experiences, and the importance of maintaining an open-minded approach to life. It emphasizes the significance of choosing optimism and imagination in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

To identify the different points of view of the characters in the store, we need to analyze their perspectives and how they contribute to the suspense in the scene. One character's point of view might be that of the store owner, who sees an opportunity for profit and is excited about the arrival of new customers. On the other hand, we might have the customers' point of view, who could be seen as curious and intrigued by the store's merchandise. The suspense is created by the contrast between these two perspectives. By having different points of view, the readers are left wondering how the interaction between the characters will unfold and if there will be any conflicts or surprises.

In terms of the theme present in this passage, one possible theme could be the power of perception. The characters' different viewpoints highlight how people interpret situations based on their own perspectives and experiences. The store owner's view of the customers as a potential source of profit shows his focus on material gain. Meanwhile, the customers' interest in the store hints at their curiosity and desire for new experiences. This theme of perception and how it shapes our understanding of the world relates to universal themes such as the diversity of human experiences and the importance of empathy in understanding others.