Which option describes a first person point of view in a narrative text?

A. A story told with distance from the characters
B. When some of the characters show their thoughts and feelings
B. Describing events from the perspective of all the characters.
D. When one of the characters tell the story

D. When one of the characters tell the story

The option that describes a first person point of view in a narrative text is D. When one of the characters tells the story.

To identify the point of view in a narrative text, you need to analyze the pronouns used and the perspective from which the story is being narrated. In first person point of view, the narrator is a character within the story and refers to themselves using pronouns like "I," "me," and "my."

If the story is being told from a perspective that is close to the characters and events, where the narrator is involved in the story and shares their thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences, it is likely to be written in the first person point of view.

So, in this case, the correct answer is option D.

D. When one of the characters tell the story