A 10m ladder leans against a wall and makes an angle of 65 degrees with the ground. How far up the wall does it reach? (to nearest m)

We can use trigonometry to solve this problem.

First, we know that the ladder, wall, and ground form a right-angled triangle. The ladder is the hypotenuse of this triangle.

The angle of 65 degrees is opposite to the height we want to find. Let's call this height 'h'.

Using trigonometry:

cos(65) = adjacent / hypotenuse

where the adjacent side is the height we want to find, and the hypotenuse is the ladder length of 10m.

Rearranging the formula:

adjacent = cos(65) * hypotenuse

adjacent = cos(65) * 10

adjacent = 3.59m (to the nearest meter)

Therefore, the ladder reaches 4m up the wall (rounding up to the nearest meter).

The bot is WRONG AGAIN!

How far up the wall suggests we want the vertical or opposite side in relation
to the angle at the ground
sin 65° = h/10
h = 10sin65 = appr 9.06 m up the wall