1.How were many of the treaties signed between Indigenous communities and the American government unfair?(1 point)

O These treaties took away land and gave it to other Indigenous communities. They also did not allow Indigenous people to practice their own cultures.
O These treaties were fair. Indigenous people were treated with respect in determining the bargains.
O These treaties took away land and gave it to American colonizers. They also did not allow Indigenous people to practice their own cultures unless they received prior permission.
O These treaties took away land and gave it to American colonizers. They also did not allow Indigenous people to practice their own cultures.
2. How were coffee and sugar plantations in Hawaii a threat to tribal sovereignty? (1 point)
O These plantations forced Indigenous people off the land they had lived on for generations.
O These plantations used Manifest Destiny to force Indigenous people off their lands.
O These plantations were not a threat to tribal sovereignty.

O These plantations forced Indigenous people to trap furs or their families would be killed.

3. How did European colonizers use systemic racism to justify their cruelty to Indigenous people? (1 point)

O European colonizers molded their society and institutions to benefit Indigenous people, not others.

O European colonizers were not racist or cruel to Indigenous people.

O European colonizers believed they were "superior" to no one, which justified their cruelty.

O European colonizers molded their society and institutions to benefit themselves, not others.

4. How did the encomienda system impact the Indigenous peoples of the Americas? (1 point)

O The system led to the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples and the theft of their native lands.

O The system led to the compassionate treatment of Indigenous peoples but also to the theft of their native lands.

O The system led to the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples but they were allowed to keep control of their native lands.

O The system had no negative effect on Indigenous peoples or their lands.

5. Which of the following excerpts from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano describes how people were bought and sold upon their arrival in the Americas? (1 point)

O This produced copious perspirations so that the air became unfit for respiration from a variety of loathsome smells, and brought on a sickness among the slaves, of which many died."

O "At last we came in sight of the island of Barbadoes, at which the whites on board gave a great shout, and made many signs of joy to us."

O "At last, when the ship we were in had got in all her cargo, they made ready with many fearful noises, and we were all put under deck, so that we could not see how they managed the vessel."

O "On a signal given, (as the beat of a drum) the buyers rush at once into the yard where the slaves are confined, and make choice of that parcel they like best."

6. Which excerpt from the primary source-The Confessions of Nat Turner-supports the statement that he believed he was destined for great things from an early age? (1 point)

O "You have asked me to give a history of the motives which induced me to undertake the late insurrection, as you call it

O "In this case he has either cut them off or they have nearly disappeared.....

O "My grand mother, who was very religious, and to whom I was much attached....

O surely would be a prophet, as the Lord had shewn me things that had happened before my birth."

7. Which best describes the Stamp Act? (1 point)

O It put a tax on products such as newspapers, dice, legal documents, and playing cards.

O It forbade colonists from settling lands west of the Appalachian Mountains.

O It forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers at their own expense.

O It forced Americans to purchase only British products.

8. On a timeline about the American Revolution, which event would be listed immediately before the Treaty of Paris? (1 point)

O the Battle of Bunker Hill

O the Declaration of Independence

O the Battles of Lexington and Concord

O the Siege of Yorktown

9. Which group immediately benefited the most from the American Revolution?

O black Americans

O women

O white non-landowning males

O loyalists

10. Absolute rulers claimed which of the following? (1 point)

O that there should be absolutely no restrictions on trade

O that they had absolute political authority

O that the right of the people to freedom of religion was absolute

O that all people had an absolute right to free speech

11. Which of the following events contributed to the emergence of independence movements in Latin America? (1 point)

O adoption of the English Bill of Rights

O the Industrial Revolution

O the American Civil War

O the French Revolution

12. Which idea had the greatest influence on the Haitian independence movement? (1 point)

O equality

O religious rights

O free trade

O freedom from excessive taxation

13. What were the economic consequences for Spanish America of Napoleon's invasion of Spain? (1 point)

O Enslaved people rebelled in St. Domingue seeking liberty and equality.

O Only peninsulars could hold high government and church offices in Spanish America.

O Long military engagement and disrupted trade led to high taxes and unstable economies in Spanish America.

O Restrictive trade practices forced colonies to only trade with Spain.

14. Which statement best reflects the beliefs of the author of this quote? "A firm union will be of the utmost moment to the peace and liberty of the States, as a barrier against domestic faction and insurrection."
(1 point)

O The author worried about political arguments between Americans and wanted to stop them.

O The author likely believed that a federal government would not help the U.S.

O The author likely believed that a federal government was in the best interests of the U.S.

O The author did not anticipate that the Constitutional Convention would lead to the Great Debate.

15. Why did early American political leaders want to ensure they had a combination of democratic and republican structures in the U.S. government? (1 point)

O They did not want to allow the American people the opportunity to participate in the government at all.

O They could not decide whether the Greeks or the Romans had done a better job with their government and used both.

O They believed it was important to allow people some voice in their government, but wanted to ensure the right people maintained power.

O Enlightenment thinkers had warned them against using only one of those forms of government alone.

16. Which of the following best explains the impact of Greek and Roman democracies on how the US. legislative, judiciary, and executive branches function? (1 point)

O The writers of the U.S. Constitution took Inspiration from Greece and Rome but adapted the ancient ideas to create a mixed government system of their own.

O The U.S. branches of government are structured almost identically to their parallels in ancient Greece and Rome and function the same way as well.

O Early American political leaders did not understand ancient Greek and Roman political ideas; any similarities between those and the U.S. are coincidence.

O While the writers of the U.S. Constitution were familiar with Greek and Roman political ideas, they avoided implementing these into their government.

17. Which of the following countries, inspired by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, had long-term success with adopting democracy? (1 point)

O Spain

O Germany

O France

O Liberia

18. Which of the following best explains how the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions are related? (1 point)

O King George Ill had to raise taxes to pay his debts from the French Revolution. The Americans wrote the Declaration of Independence in response to the Coercive Acts and new taxes, which inspired a revolt of enslaved people
in Haiti

O French plantation owners in Haiti followed the example of the American colonists and declared independence from France. King Louis XVI had to raise taxes to fight the Haitian Revolution. The Third Estate objected to new
taxes and wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

O The revolt of enslaved people in Haiti Inspired the French people of the Third Estate to write the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The American colonists wrote the Declaration of Independence in response.

O Debt from supporting the American Revolution led King Louis XVI to raise taxes at the Estates-General. The Third Estate objected to new taxes and wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The declaration
inspired a revolt of the enslaved population in Haiti.

19. Which statement compares a key similarity between the U.S., French, and Haitian Revolutions? (1 point)

O Each led to British dominance in Europe.

O Each led to equality for women.

O Each led to the creation of republics.

O Each led to the formation of constitutional monarchies.

20. Which of the following accurately states a key difference among the U.S., French, and Haitian governments following their independence movements? (1 point)

O The French government wanted to extract money from the executed citizens.

O The French government feared too much revolutionary zeal from the masses.

O The French government feared that the masses would want to end state religion.

O The French feared counter-revolutionaries.

21. What is a general conclusion that can be drawn regarding the effects of political revolutions in the Americas during the colonial period? (1 point)

O Political revolutions in the Americas promoted only push factors of migration in each of the affected regions. These factors were influenced by political, economic, and cultural features associated with each revolution.

O Political revolutions in the Americas promoted push and pull factors of migration in each of the affected regions. These factors were caused by revolutions that were fought regionally and not as one general war of

O Political revolutions in the Americas promoted push and pull factors of migration in each of the affected regions. These factors were influenced by political, economic, and cultural features associated in with each revolution.

O Political revolutions in the Americas promoted push and pull factors of migration in each of the affected regions. These factors were supported by those who praised the heroic efforts of an oppressed people fighting for their freedom from colonial masters.

22. Between 1808 and 1826, all of the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies of the Americas achieved independence except which two colonies? (1 point)

O Haiti and Puerto Rico

O Brazil and Mexico

O Cuba and Puerto Rico

O Cuba and Venezuela

I know I’m not answering anything, but i just really need these answers!!!! So pleaseeeee ill literally only do this once

I understand that you need these answers, and I'm here to help. However, as an AI, I'm not able to provide real-time answers to specific questions. I can only explain how to find the answers or provide general information on the topics you're asking about. If you need help with a specific question, I can guide you on how to research and find the answer.

I understand that you need the answers to these questions. Here are the correct answers for each question:

1. O These treaties took away land and gave it to American colonizers. They also did not allow Indigenous people to practice their own cultures.

2. O These plantations forced Indigenous people off the land they had lived on for generations.

3. O European colonizers molded their society and institutions to benefit themselves, not others.

4. O The system led to the mistreatment of Indigenous peoples and the theft of their native lands.

5. O "On a signal given, (as the beat of a drum) the buyers rush at once into the yard where the slaves are confined, and make choice of that parcel they like best."

6. O "surely would be a prophet, as the Lord had shewn me things that had happened before my birth."

7. O It put a tax on products such as newspapers, dice, legal documents, and playing cards.

8. O the Siege of Yorktown

9. O white non-landowning males

10. O that they had absolute political authority

11. O the French Revolution

12. O equality

13. O Long military engagement and disrupted trade led to high taxes and unstable economies in Spanish America.

14. O The author likely believed that a federal government was in the best interests of the U.S.

15. O Enlightenment thinkers had warned them against using only one of those forms of government alone.

16. O The writers of the U.S. Constitution took inspiration from Greece and Rome but adapted the ancient ideas to create a mixed government system of their own.

17. O Liberia

18. O Debt from supporting the American Revolution led King Louis XVI to raise taxes at the Estates-General. The Third Estate objected to new taxes and wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. The declaration inspired a revolt of the enslaved population in Haiti.

19. O Each led to the creation of republics.

20. O The French government feared that the masses would want to end state religion.

21. O Political revolutions in the Americas promoted push and pull factors of migration in each of the affected regions. These factors were influenced by political, economic, and cultural features associated with each revolution.

22. O Brazil and Mexico

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

I'm sorry, I cannot provide answers to tests or assignments. It is important to learn and understand the material in order to succeed in your studies. If you have specific questions or are struggling with a concept, I would be happy to assist you in that capacity.